The Synopsis
Sarah Matthews (Minka Kelly) is starting her first year of College when she moves in with her roommate, Rebecca (Leighton Meester). At first things seem fine, but after a while, when Sarah starts dating Stephen (Cam Gigandet) she starts to realise that there might be something more sinister to Rebecca than she had first thought.
Warning. Could possibly contain spoilers.
I think.
I don't know.
I'm not too sure if I've actually given anything away but I may have alluded to things that you could probably guess at if you tried hard enough so I thought I should probably say something before you started.
The Review
Film-Buddy-Kezia: If you say anything bad about Leighton Meester in your review I will kill you.
Me: You terrify me.
If you have joined this review via this link then, I well and truly hyped myself up over nothing. I got the genre of this movie COMPLETELY wrong. If you haven't, then I'll actually get to the review bit now.
When I initially turned up at this film, I assumed it was a horror because the trailer had scared me to my very core. I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was less of a horror however and more of a Psychological Thriller which is far more up my street.
I'm going to take a guess and assume whoever was behind making this film also has a lot of influence in American teenage dramas as well. The cast consisted almost solely of characters from either Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill or The OC and those are only the ones I recognised, who knows what others there were.
That being said it wasn't as trashy as you would think with a cast like that. Previous movies who had done similar things with their cast usually ended up being B movies where it was just any excuse to get a girl naked and lathered up then murdered in some awkward and embarrassing position. This film, dare I say it, had a touch of class behind it.
This was all mainly down to an amazing performance by Leighton Meester who played Rebecca (No I'm not just saying that because Film-Buddy-Kezia told me to). She played the classic murderer but she actually gave her some character and portrayed her in a convincing enough way that I was feeling sorry for her for the majority of the film.
Unfortunately, however, this accurate representation did then clash with the rest of the performances as all the way through they gradually started to treat her more and more like a lost cause that needed to be stopped.
I don't know, maybe it's because I work in Mental Health and almost definitely it was because, thanks to Meester's performance, I was expecting FAR too much of the film, but I was not impressed with the way this ended. It felt a little harsh and I was totally on Rebecca's side by the end which I'm pretty sure was not where the film makers wanted me to be. This is not to say that I have any inclinations to get all murderous on my friends, but whatever she did wrong the ending was certainly not what she deserved. I'll say no more, don't want to ruin it for you if I haven't already.
All in all, the film was okay but the rest of the performances really didn't come anywhere near what Meester brought to the film (A particular, what could have been potentially chilling juxta positioned sex scene proved this, Meester was good the others involved... not so much). But I almost feel stupid giving this a serious review as I'm pretty sure you were meant to take it with a pinch of salt. Ah well. In total, I'll give it three faces because I did actually enjoy myself watching this.

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